
Monday, 14 November 2016

Kya Aap ATM ya Bank ki Line Mein Pareshan Hai ?

*.....Understand this logic as well........*

*Common Man:*- I dont have Black Money, Why Should i face the trouble for Standing in Queue at ATM & Bank?

*Soldier from Army*- Why I should sacrifice my life in wars with Pakistan and China and for whom. These have done me no harms. Why should I give my life for ungrateful people who keep personal comforts above national cause?

*Soldier from BSF*- I don't have any personal fight with PAKISTAN...then why should i face the bullets for you & your family.... every day on border?

*Soldier from ITBP*- I don't have any personal enmity from China. Why should I guard borders in snow clipped mountains, below -40 degree of temmperature, away from my near and dear ones for months?

*Soldier from CRPF*- Why should I fight with terrorists in J&K one day, and the other days with Naxals in Chattisgarh, Jharkhand & insurgents in North-East States for 24×7×365... corrupt system have created them. Why and for whom should I risk my life?

On similar lines, if soldiers from Navy, Air Force, CISF, SSB thinks like a common man..... think what will happen to you.

*_Hey dear comon man, we don't practice DEMOCRACY as you do, but we protect and preserve this DEMOCRACY for you to shout and abuse the system, but not to contribute to make it better,,,,,,,_*
*Please reply, if you can...*
Soldier gets bullet for bullet and you get notes against cant bear the pain for 2-3 weeks and he bears it for you 24x7x365.
Think, Rise and help in building this nation.

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