
Sunday, 27 October 2013

Arya Bhatta wrote a Mathematicl letter to his girl friend

Dear My luv...
I may not be good with words because my English is not fluent, but
What I feel deep inside my heart persuades me to express myself mathematically.
Every time I see you, you simultaneously divide my life into two equations. Because my feelings for you cross - multiply on a daily basis, you inspire me to be greater than zero. Your smile keeps me in touch with the special angles of my heart. You make me feel relaxed on the X-axis where Y is equals to zero. When I come across you, I feel like I'm turning like a parabola and meet you on the turning point where I can utter 3 words to you. Words that describe the mid point of my heart. Without u my heart is like a semi circle. Because you stole the other half. I will appreciate if we could come together and solve for X so that we both stop to be vertically opposite and start to be corresponding angles. I know you are intelligent enough to understand that when it comes to trigonometrical world, we are all positive in the first quadrant...
Your lover
Arya Bhatt.

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